Warm-up: Shuffle , Dance , or Jump Rope for 5-10 minutes until warm
Main WOD:
1. High Knees (40 seconds x 3 sets)
2. Explosive Push Ups (3 sets of 10 reps)
3. Jumping Jacks (40 seconds x 4 sets)
4. Burpees (40 seconds x 3 sets)
5. Dumbbell Jump Squats (40 seconds x 3 sets)
Sit Ups (30 reps) + Air Bike (30 reps) + Leg Raises (30 Reps) + V Ups (30 reps) + Windshield Wipers (30 reps)
Video Demonstration
*Rest 15 seconds between all sets and exercises
*For the Dumbbell Jump Squats, choose dumbbells that are light enough for you to complete the entire exercise with good form. Dumbbells increase the difficulty of the exercise, but are optional.
*Click on exercise to view video demonstration